About Us
We are passionate, and constantly curious, about understanding shoppers, how they live their lives, and how and where they choose to spend their time and money. (It’s what we call their Shopping Life™). Shoppers are at the heart of everything we do. Our research, our global retail innovation, our consulting advice are all driven by the question, “What will shoppers want tomorrow?”
No surprise that we sometimes make our clients uncomfortable when we challenge them with the question, “Is your shopper in the room?” That’s how we help you be courageous, in order to accelerate your growth.
Our Purpose
…to provide you with the shopper and retail research, insights and inspiration you need to confidently, boldly grow at retail – be that physical or digital.
…to challenge you to think like shoppers, all day, every day, not like executives at arms’ length from the fray.
…to encourage you to be curious, to focus on the right questions to ask, not formulaic answers or preconceived notions of what shoppers want, or will want.
…to make you uncomfortable about what’s next, but confident that you can envision it and achieve it.
David Bowie said it best…
Tomorrow belongs
to those who can
hear it coming.”
It’s what we enable you to do.
What We Do
We help you build your future retail strategy based on what shoppers want and will. Our proprietary shopper and retail research helps you understand their Shopping Life®– why they do what they do, and what they will do next. (We’ve been doing it for 30 years. We can prove we get it right.)
Our passion for engaging the best retail innovation and the smartest retail thinkers around the world means we also inspire [and challenge] you to boldly deliver what shoppers want next. At the shelf or in the Metaverse. Today and tomorrow.
Our Values

We are deeply passionate about shoppers, shopping and retail.

We are constantly curious about all things retailing, everywhere in the world.

We begin with ‘what is the question?’, not ‘what is the answer?’. It’s the basis for all our research.

We believe there is “no box” to think outside of anymore. That’s the foundation for our retail strategy.

We know retailers and manufacturers can actually partner together — because we help them do it.

We are great storytellers: we take complicated research, and economic and social issues, to build stories that sell.

We predict the future of retail — boldly without hesitation but with lots of validation.

We commit every day to propelling our clients to the future with our laser shopper focus.

We tell you when we know you’re wrong. And applaud you when you’re right.

We believe in the transformational power of a great retail experience. And a great pair of shoes.

We are deeply passionate about shoppers, shopping and retail.

We are constantly curious about all things retailing, everywhere in the world.

We begin with ‘what is the question?’, not ‘what is the answer?’. It’s the basis for all our research.

We believe there is “no box” to think outside of anymore. That’s the foundation for our retail strategy.

We know retailers and manufacturers can actually partner together — because we help them do it.

We are great storytellers: we take complicated research, and economic and social issues, to build stories that sell.

We predict the future of retail — boldly without hesitation but with lots of validation.

We commit every day to propelling our clients to the future with our laser shopper focus.

We tell you when we know you’re wrong. And applaud you when you’re right.

We believe in the transformational power of a great retail experience. And a great pair of shoes.
Our Management Team
Everyone on our team is curious and passionate about shoppers, shopping, and retail.
We are curious and passionate about our clients too. Which is why we only work with people and companies we like.

Wendy Liebmann
CEO & Chief Shopper

Candace Corlett

Joi Pratt
Senior Consultant Shopper Insights Activation

Elia Auchane
Retail Strategy Consultant

Deborah Kelly
Director of Insights

Maryann Javier
Vice President Creative Services

Katie Hornsby
Retail Innovation Manager

Crysta Urata
Marketing & Visual Content Designer