Consulting Services to Choose From
We can help you identify white spaces (categories, shopper segments, distribution), improve the shopper journey or customer experience, integrate digital that’s relevant to shoppers, build better retail partnerships and “futures” strategies, inspire teams to anticipate the future of retail…and so much more. If you don‘t see it on the list below, contact us and we‘ll work with you.

Build Future Category and Retail Growth Strategies
We help you anticipate the future of categories and retail through the lens of shoppers. Based on our longitudinal How America Shops® research and custom How the World Shops research, our global retail relationships and retail innovation expertise, we identify emerging trends, build and test scenarios, and create strategies and activation frameworks for the future. We engage your entire organization in the process. Read Case Study.

Develop Category White Space Opportunities
We identify opportunities for you to grow in the future with shoppers and retailers – in the US or global. We assess emerging market trends, conduct research among shoppers and retailers, evaluate current and emerging market dynamics, determine the cost of doing business, to develop solutions for category and retail market entry.

Identify Omni-Channel Growth Strategies
We determine the best channel and retailer opportunities based on how shoppers want to buy your categories — now and in the future. We help you to understand the right trip framework based on our proprietary shopper, category, and retail research. We conduct primary research among shoppers and retailers, as needed, establish the cost of doing business, and develop end-to-end omni solutions, that are customized for key retailers, in key markets and countries.

Build Better Innovative Retail Experiences
We help assess and improve your retail experiences. We know shoppers change based on experiences they encounter everywhere they shop, changing daily needs and longer-term expectations. We leverage our shopper and retail data and insights, global retail design and innovation expertise. We walk your stores (physical and digital), conduct custom shopper research, map out emotional touchpoints, evaluate how new technologies and media add value. All to enable you to deliver enhanced shopper experiences (CX).

Build More Valuable Retail Partnerships
We help you earn or elevate your “place at the table”. We interview retail executives one-on-one to intimately, objectively understand their strategies, and determine how you deliver, competitively. We develop numeric ratings so you can benchmark change. We support joint business planning with custom shopper insights, and presentations. We provide opportunity for one-on-one interactions through in-market Retail Safaris® and custom events.

Accelerate Shopper-centric Organizations
Success at retail comes when organizations are grounded in shopper-designed strategies. We provide immersive shopper training through workshops (in-person and virtual) customized to your categories and channels. Our proprietary tools build a deep understanding of retailers’ shoppers, utilize shopper data to build differentiated insights, get beyond storytelling to story selling, and teach how to “walk the store” like shoppers. The result: innovative thinking that get retailers’ attention and drives growth.

Uncover All Global Market Opportunities
We identify opportunities for you to grow in global markets. Our shopper and retail research enables you to understand local cultures, preferences, market dynamics, distribution channels and marketing requirement. Our expertise includes assessment of both physical and digital opportunities in order for you to develop differentiated strategies and solutions for category and retail market entry.

Develop Internal Shopper Innovation Cultures
We help you build a culture of innovation within your sales and customer support organizations. We help you assess the level of your innovation status internally and as viewed by your customers. We identify need gaps, build benchmarks, then educate, inform, and inspire teams through retail innovation workshops, in person and virtual Retail Safaris®, expert storytelling and story-selling tools. We create playbooks, innovation labs and roadmaps to support relevant, continuous innovation growth.
We love our clients. And they love us.
Retailers, brands and service providers come to us for smart shopper insights, retail research, consulting advice and innovation to build growth strategies that deliver.
Inspire & Activate Throughout Your Organization.
It takes more than smart shopper and retail strategy, or new technology, to move an organization into the future. First, you must envision it, to “hear it coming”. Then you need the tools to plan and execute for success. Then repeat. That’s what WSL’s webinars, workshops, training and inspirational speeches do. Clear. Laser-like. Focused. If you don‘t see it on the list below, contact us and we‘ll work with you.

Speeches to See Your Shopper-Centric Future
For your national sales meetings, joint business planning, or strategy sessions. Always stimulating, provocative, and customized to address your audience. Shopper research, innovative retail experiences, and trends are woven into a memorable story that will drive insights and action and inspire organizations to be more shopper-centric, bolder – and just plain smarter.

Webinars to Accelerate Innovative Thinking, Fast
We take our How America Shops® research and create webinars that are customized for your team, your categories, your retailers, your issues and opportunities. In these webinars, you will learn how to interpret the insights and turn them into action steps for your categories and retailers. You’ll learn how to tell better stories – stories that sell.

Workshops to Develop Bold Solutions
We facilitate and unleash your team’s creativity to develop big, bold shopper solutions to thrive in a fast-changing retail world. These fast-paced workshops go beyond the research to deliver results that you can act on today. Our sessions immerse teams in new ways of thinking and accelerate learning. Everyone leaves inspired and ready to grow and go, now.

Read our case studies.
Behind every retail success is a story.
We want retailers and brands to embrace Shopping Life® with us. We talk one-to-one, explore what’s working (and not), and we immerse clients in thought-provoking experiences – physical and digital. Almost always, we inspire our clients to re-evaluate their shopper-first commitments, with retail insights that can support growth. Sometimes, we put their tales of victory in a case study. These “little stories” have big, happy endings.