This How America Shops® report defines the Change in Shopping Life® that is well underway – it is not about to become; it is here. If you are still anticipating it, we are sorry to say that you are late.
The Change has been created by the shoppers’ response to the social climate they are living in, the fast pace enabled by technology, and the booming economy. The content in Change Now will guide brands and retailers on the shopper values they need to promote in this new decade.
To purchase this report or to learn more, contact us directly:
Candace Corlett
212 . 924 . 7780
Related Blog Article: A New Set of Values is Changing Shopping Life

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Our Shopper Research report explains what’s behind shopper behaviors, including the sentiments that influence how they spend their time and money, and what engages them emotionally. If you’re not a subscriber, send us a message using the form here.If you are a subscriber, you can access the report by signing into your account.