In this report you will learn the impact of the paradox that is driving permanent change in retail as shoppers cope by creating their own solutions.
- Paradox #1: Inflation still roars: Low income are frugal out of necessity and higher income “just in case”!
- Paradox #2: More is Less: More channels to shop, retailers to spend, but some chains struggle with traffic. New channels attract more shoppers.
- Paradox #3: The Dilemma for National Brands: Store Brands get respect — better quality and packaging. When is a store brand a destination brand?
- Paradox #4: The Power of the Store: Store pick up saves time, but snacks, displays and sales take shoppers inside
- Paradox #5: Easy Shopping, Quick in and Out is a Must: How you get there changes by demographics.
- Paradox #6: Online Drives New Wellness in Store: Where to put new categories, and the opportunity to surprise shoppers.
Read more shopper research here.

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