Through the Retail Industry Lens: Consumers and Wellness

Through the Retail Industry Lens: Consumers and Wellness blog banner featuring young black woman meditating outside
Strategist and CEO Wendy Liebmann takes retail’s temperature in the days of COVID-19 Fiona Soltes // NRF Contributor  //  May 1, 2020 If the coronavirus pandemic has put a spotlight on one thing, it’s certainly our health. Being well and staying “safe” have become drivers for a multitude of attitudes and thoughts. Even before the virus ... Read more

How Coronavirus Could Change Beauty’s Commitment to Sustainability

How Coronavirus Could Change Beauty’s Commitment to Sustainability blog banner featuring vector illustration of young masked woman holding a globe and shrugging
Companies are doubling down on social issues over environmental. By Ellen Thomas on April 17, 2020 // Beauty Inc. - WWD In a pandemic-stricken world, beauty companies are acknowledging that caring for the planet means caring for people, and vice versa. For the beauty industry, the sustainability conversation often revolves heavily around reducing plastics and packaging, but the widespread economic fallout and ... Read more

Consumers Will Continue to Embrace Online Shopping After Crisis Ends

Consumers Will Continue to Embrace Online Shopping After Crisis Ends blog banner featuring woman holding shopping basket and browsing store shelves
Wendy Liebmann of WSL Strategic Retail predicted consumers will also cut spending and seek to trade down. By Jean E. Palmieri // WWD, April 9, 2020 Consumer behavior will change dramatically when the coronavirus crisis is finally resolved. That will include a lasting dependence on online shopping and a marked trend toward trading down. In a webinar ... Read more

Retail Brands’ Reckoning: How They Treat Workers Matters

Retail Brands' Reckoning: How They Treat Workers Matters blog banner featuring Walmart employee wiping down checkout belt
BY SARAH MAHONEY // Media Post, April 3, 2020 Much of the COVID-19 crisis has focused on retailer behavior. There’s the good: Opening an hour early, just for seniors! The bad: Forcing employees to work without protective gear! And mostly, there’s a vast in-between, with stores serving customers in a climate where every transaction poses a potentially fatal ... Read more

Business on top, pajamas underneath: Walmart is selling work shirts, but not so many pants

Business on top, pajamas underneath blog banner featuring woman having a video call with coworker
BY JACOB BOGAGE // The Washington Post, March 28, 2020 With the rise of video conferences, workers realize they need professional tops, but not bottoms. A few more shelves might be looking bare at Walmarts around the country, or at least a few more bins empty at fulfillment warehouses. Customers are making a run on tops: shirts, ... Read more

‘Medtailing’, Medical & Retail, Is Here To Stay

‘Medtailing’, Medical & Retail, Is Here To Stay blog banner featuring storefront of Walmart Health
BY KAREN KROLL // National Retail Federation, February 26, 2020 Changing demographics are helping drive continued interest in the mix of retail and health care. While many areas of bricks-and-mortar retailing face headwinds, one shows signs of growth and promise: health care and medical services offered within stores and shopping centers. These services extend beyond the pharmacies ... Read more

Macy’s Plan to Build Private Label Brands Faces Tough Odds

Macy’s Plan to Build Private Label Brands Faces Tough Odds blog banner featuring close up of a Macy's shopping bag a woman in boots is carrying
BY PHIL WAHBA // Fortune, February 11, 2020 Macy's wants to take more of its fate into its own hands. One of the key components of the comeback plan the struggling department store company unveiled to Wall Street last week is its ambition to turn four of its long-established in-house fashion brands—I.N.C. International Concepts, Alfani, Style & Co, and Charter ... Read more

How Brands Are Rethinking Water Conservation

WWD / December 18, 2019 / By Allison Collins, Photography By George Chinsee From P&G to Owa, modern beauty brands are finding ways into the waterless beauty movement.   Are you ready for the age of powder shampoo? Waterless beauty, a small but increasingly intriguing category comprised of brands and products that think of water differently at varying points in ... Read more

The Trend Predictor: Wendy Liebmann by Fragrance Foundation

The Trend Predictor: Wendy Liebmann blog banner featuring image of Wendy Liebmann talking at a panel
Fragrance Foundation Accords | December 12, 2019 Wendy Liebmann knows what you’re going to buy before you do. She also knows why, and where you’re going to shop for it. The Australian-born founder of WSL Strategic Retail has been conducting research and reading the tea leaves about consumer habits for more than two decades, helping ... Read more

Millie Bobby Brown Meets ‘Idol’ at the WWD Beauty Inc Awards

Millie Bobby Brown Meets ‘Idol’ at the WWD Beauty Inc Awards blog banner featuring Paris Hilton, Millie Bobby Brown
By Emily Dougherty, October 21, 2022 ||  BeautyInc. -  A Publication of WWD Women over the age of 50 have been routinely ignored by marketers for decades. Now, though, healthier and wealthier than any generation of women before them, Gen X is coming resolutely into focus. As American women age, they start feeling invisible and undervalued. This ... Read more

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