In this How America Shops® report, Build My Magic Box, we take you into the feelings shoppers are experiencing as their lives and Shopping Life™, have been changed forever by the Internet.
We also reached back 50 years to the wisdom of Marshall McLuhan, whose “medium is the message” applies as much today as it did then.
Build My Magic Box grew out of our previous How America Shops® report, Take Charge of Your Omni-Channel Destiny (April 2015) where we delivered statistics on omni-channel retail — but the data raised questions around how the experiences of the store and the Internet should merge.
In this report, we talked to consumers one-on-one to hear, in their words, how the Internet has changed what they expect of shopping and shopper marketing. We deliver what you need to build your own Magic Box.
{ “I want separate portals, and doors that I can choose to enter, depending on my mood and need.” }
{ “Salespeople help me form a relationship to quality.” }
{ “My store is interactive. I will always need human interaction.” }
{ “I love you when you are being what I want you to be. I hate you when you are being what you want to be.” }

Our latest shopper insights – at your fingertips
Our national How America Shops® surveys explain what’s driving shopping behaviors, sentiments that influence how and where shoppers spend time and money what engages them emotionally, how categories and the retail landscape will be impacted. If you’re not a subscriber, send us a message using the form here.If you are a subscriber, you can access the report by signing into your account.