Macy’s Plan to Build Private Label Brands Faces Tough Odds

Macy’s Plan to Build Private Label Brands Faces Tough Odds blog banner featuring close up of a Macy's shopping bag a woman in boots is carrying
BY PHIL WAHBA // Fortune, February 11, 2020 Macy's wants to take more of its fate into its own hands. One of the key components of the comeback plan the struggling department store company unveiled to Wall Street last week is its ambition to turn four of its long-established in-house fashion brands—I.N.C. International Concepts, Alfani, Style & Co, and Charter ... Read more

3 Ways to Know if Your Beauty Brands are Man Enough

3 Ways to Know if Your Beauty Brands are Man Enough blog banner featuring man putting spreadable face mask product on in bathroom mirror
Men are venturing into the beauty category at a pace that could turn an unprepared brand’s hair gray. Yet while interested in the category, many men don’t know how to enter it. Our How America Shops® survey revealed three steps for getting them there – but don’t wait or you’ll be a runner-up. Real men ... Read more

How Brands Are Rethinking Water Conservation

WWD / December 18, 2019 / By Allison Collins, Photography By George Chinsee From P&G to Owa, modern beauty brands are finding ways into the waterless beauty movement.   Are you ready for the age of powder shampoo? Waterless beauty, a small but increasingly intriguing category comprised of brands and products that think of water differently at varying points in ... Read more

The Trend Predictor: Wendy Liebmann by Fragrance Foundation

The Trend Predictor: Wendy Liebmann blog banner featuring image of Wendy Liebmann talking at a panel
Fragrance Foundation Accords | December 12, 2019 Wendy Liebmann knows what you’re going to buy before you do. She also knows why, and where you’re going to shop for it. The Australian-born founder of WSL Strategic Retail has been conducting research and reading the tea leaves about consumer habits for more than two decades, helping ... Read more

Millie Bobby Brown Meets ‘Idol’ at the WWD Beauty Inc Awards

Millie Bobby Brown Meets ‘Idol’ at the WWD Beauty Inc Awards blog banner featuring Paris Hilton, Millie Bobby Brown
By Emily Dougherty, October 21, 2022 ||  BeautyInc. -  A Publication of WWD Women over the age of 50 have been routinely ignored by marketers for decades. Now, though, healthier and wealthier than any generation of women before them, Gen X is coming resolutely into focus. As American women age, they start feeling invisible and undervalued. This ... Read more

Forever 21 Bankruptcy Signals a Shift in Consumer Tastes

Forever 21 Bankruptcy Signals a Shift in Consumer Tastes blog banner featuring Forever 21 storefront from the street
The New York Times - By Sapna Maheshwari, Sept. 29, 2019 Forever 21, the California retailer that helped popularize fast fashion in the United States with its bustling stores and $5 tops, said on Sunday night that it would file for bankruptcy, a sign of the eroding power of shopping malls and the shifting tastes of young ... Read more

WSL Reports on The Great Makeup Crash of 2019

WSL Reports on The Great Makeup Crash of 2019 blog banner featuring closeup of lipstick display in store
Business of Fashion — BY RACHEL STRUGATZ, SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 Many of the largest cosmetics brands are seeing US sales drop as new rivals enter the market even as consumers spend less on makeup. NEW YORK, United States — Beauty brands are good at generating hype. Nars just celebrated its 25th anniversary with a splashy release of 75 ... Read more

Costco Quietly Becomes a Destination for Clothes

Blog banner featuring clothing section of Costco Wholesale
By Abha Bhattarai // The Washington Post, July 1 2019 Kelly Davis has started doing something she once considered unthinkable: buying clothes at Costco. The 31-year-old had long resisted the warehouse chain’s clothing aisle; it just felt weird buying dresses and shirts at the same place she bought groceries. Plus, she said, “It’s where my mom shops." ... Read more

Navigating the Beauty Aisle for Women of Color

Blog banner featuring store beauty aisle with diverse models
By Anne D'Innocenzio // AP News, June 12 2019 Black and other darker-skinned women had long struggled to find makeup that matched or complemented their skin. But a widening array of products is showing up at mainstream retailers with an eye toward the multicultural consumer. A big game changer was Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty collection, which was launched two ... Read more

Driving Consumers to Stores

Blog banner featuring close up of blonde woman looking at makeup display in store
Beauty Insight // January 22, 2019 // Issue 189 WSL Strategic Retail CEO & chief shopper Wendy Liebmann:  “Shoppers go to physical stores for a variety of reasons. ‘I want it now’, because [the product has] run out or because they saw it on Instagram, is still a viable reason to go to the store ... Read more

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