A New Set of Values is Changing Shopping Life

A New Set of Values is Changing Shopping Life blog banner featuring vector illustration of a group of people watering and planting on a globe
In 2020, brands and retailers are shifting their focus to paying it forward, with missions that support responsible living, global preservation, inclusion and other practices that support positive change. But how do you prioritize what will make shoppers happy? WSL’s latest How America Shops® research delves into the new shopper values. It’s 2020, Do You ... Read more

6 Themes in Retail Wellness, from WSL’s WELL Symposium

6 Themes in Retail Wellness, from WSL’s WELL Symposium blog banner featuring WELL Symposium logo and collage of photos from event
The wellness culture is taking over consumerism, but how well is it established in your company culture? At WSL’s WELL Symposium, executives from Nordstrom, CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, Zappos and others shared their firsthand experiences of integrating WELL into retail. In Retail, Wellness Must Carry from Cart to Culture There’s little wonder retailers see the Big ... Read more

A Peek Into the Health Store of the Future

A Peek Into the Health Store of the Future blog banner featuring green and blue background with vector illustration of stethoscope and other medical icons
The future of health care is being seized by retail, from innovative independents offering to relieve joint pain to Walmart installing examination rooms. All of which means the health store of the future is still a free-for-all. We have four observations to help retailers ensure they remain in the health industry’s heartbeat. Health Stores Are ... Read more

Beauty & Wellness With Purpose: Shoppers Expect It, How Do You Bring It?

Beauty & Wellness With Purpose blog banner featuring hand with floating beauty product icon above it and sustainability icons in background
More shoppers are demanding beauty and wellness products that are clean, environmentally safe and serve a global purpose. Yet getting such products on the shelf can be a Herculean task for the many startups creating them. In Chicago this October, we’re offering an opportunity to change that. A growing number of women are willing to ... Read more

Apple, Google, are the New Authorities in Healthcare. Is Retail Ready?

Apple, Google, are the New Authorities in Healthcare blog banner featuring colorful collage of tech and retail companies
If one device can pinpoint the moment in which wellness transitioned from a preference to a retail necessity, it would be the Apple Watch. We look into what Apple, along with tech companies like Google and Microsoft, have in store for consumer healthcare, and how it is changing the retail landscape for health and wellness. The ... Read more

Gen Z is Already Telling You How They are Changing Wellness. Get Ahead!

Blog banner featuring jogger tying their shoelace, green smoothie next to them, and floating percentages
It will be five years before retailers and brands experience the full economic force of Gen Z, but already this group of shoppers is dropping hints of how things are going to change. And a lot of that change involves their perceptions of wellness. Here’s a heads-up, from our How America Shops® research. Gen Z ... Read more

A Tsunami of Self-Care is Bearing Down on Healthcare. A 5-Step Rx

Blog banner featuring four different hands holding different modern self-care products
In-store blood-pressure screenings were just the beginning. Today, time-starved patients are shopping for self-care services and expecting these services to include the professionalism and confidence once connected to traditional physicians. Here’s what you need to ask yourself before taking out the middleman, AKA the doctor. The doctor is in – and increasingly in surprising places. With ... Read more

Marketing to Moms: Show Caregivers That Your Brand Cares

Blog banner featuring mom reading a book to her two small children who are sitting on her lap
Caregivers are young, 66% are Millennials or Gen X and 60% of women with children are caregivers. Mother's Day is the one day in the year when we make it a point to give credit to those who are literally, raising and maintaining the world's population. So how can you best care for the caregiver? When ... Read more

WSL Reports Injecting Beauty Into Wellness

Blog banner featuring woman smiling with jarred beauty product in her hand and several other products around her in the background
If beauty companies want to meet one of the most important players in consumer healthcare today, they should look in the mirror – they are it! Women have decided that their beauty is part of their growing wellness and self-care. Disruptive beauty companies know this and have figured out how to become part of the ... Read more

WSL Strategic Retail’s Big Business of WELL Initiative

Blog banner with diagonal collage of new wellness products and stores
There is an accelerating social movement underway that demands more than a “business-as-usual” approach to wellness. Consumers now expect everything they buy to somehow contribute to their overall wellbeing.  This presents bigger opportunities for companies already established in health care…but it has also encouraged new competitors. Agile innovators are re-inventing categories and services to deliver ... Read more

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