Big Brands Still Matter – Stop Being So Defensive

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Small brands are gaining trust and influence on the store shelf, but can retailers just walk away from big heritage labels? Not likely. Shoppers want access to both small and big names, our research shows, but for different reasons. Here’s how adventure, and even self-expression, factor in, and how some merchants are responding. Bigger Brands ... Read more

Shoppers Have Ditched Routines: Here’s How to Reach Them

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When it comes to shopping, the routine has all but disappeared for a significant portion of shoppers. Fortunately, a wealth of digital technology can help brands and retailers intercept shoppers – if they prioritize. We’ve got three disarmingly easy ways to do so. Want to sum up the shopper’s path to purchase in 10 words? Try ... Read more

How Supermarkets Can Win Back The Millennial Shopper

Blog banner featuring market cafe and shoppers busily moving around
Fringe eateries, including kiosk-enabled restaurants and well-placed food emporiums, are nibbling at the edges of supermarket share, particularly among Millennial shoppers. Here’s what supermarkets can learn from places that offer convenience, fun and “better” food. It’s 6 p.m., the commute is a bear, and the shopper has one key requirement for tonight’s dinner: It’s got ... Read more

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