Retail Clinics Need to Pick Up the Pace to Stay Relevant

Retail Clinics Need to Pick Up the Pace to Stay Relevant blog banner featuring elderly woman using telehealth on her tablet at home
Following the path to share in The Big Business of WELL, retail chains are making space for healthcare clinics, but their rollout plans are too long, and also need to account for the new dimension in healthcare: telehealth conferencing.  Retailer Health Centers are Moving at an Anemic Rate CVS and Target launched the MinuteClinic, and ... Read more

Passion for WELL Remains, 3 Tips to Capture a Booming Market

Passion for WELL Remains, 3 Tips to Capture a Booming Market blog banner featuring woman wearing mask and smiling up at the sunny sky while holding yoga mat
Shoppers may have fallen into less-healthy eating and wellness practices during the pandemic, but those wellness values are still embedded, and shoppers are getting back on track, our latest How America Shops® report shows. Here are a few tips for how brands and retailers should be marketing WELL now. The Pandemic Changed WELLness Habits, But ... Read more

How To Be An Advocate: WE Move Forward

How To Be An Advocate: WE Move Forward blog banner featuring table of casual executive women talking to one another
The WE Mission is to enhance the future, develop talent across generations and advance health and wellness. WE Move Forward Panel Series is focused on championing representation and providing mentorship and support for African American women, our greater community at large, and all women and men who want to stand as allies for racial justice and equity. ... Read more

4 Steps to Win Shoppers by Showing You Care, from Neurologist Dr. Gayatri Devi

4 Steps to Win Shoppers by Showing You Care blog banner featuring check out registers with posters hanging above about helping and making a difference together
The path to connecting with your shoppers requires showing you care about them, and that goes well beyond keeping them safe. Here are 4 tips on how to show you care from leading neurologist Dr. Gayatri Devi. Shoppers have got pandemic life down, but is that enough? The frenzy of the first six months of ... Read more

Wellness Represents a Significant Opportunity for Retailers

Wellness Represents a Significant Opportunity for Retailers blog banner featuring close up of woman's hands holding a sculpted heart
WWD | By Ellen Thomas on August 31, 2020 Wellness represents a significant opportunity for mass-market retailers, but they've only just begun to democratize a concept long associated with luxury. Five years ago, when Thrive Market, a membership-based e-commerce retailer that sells natural and organic food and wellness products, launched its web site, people who joined were considered ... Read more

How Do Retailers Win Minorities’ Trust? By Doing Something

How Do Retailers Win Minorities’ Trust? By Doing Something blog banner featuring masked young black woman standing in a plaza
It’s easy for retailers to say they care about Black customers, but what are they doing to prove it in the store every day? This issue is more pressing now as the pandemic, racial strife and financial concerns heighten stress among all shoppers and store workers. For our latest How America Shops® research, we asked ... Read more

Shoppers are Taking Back WELL: 5 Ways Retail Can Help

Shoppers are Taking Back WELL: 5 Ways Retail Can Help blog banner featuring overlay of two people raising their fists into the air and a clock labelled well being in the backrgound
Remember December, when so many people resolved to include holistic wellness in their foods, products, and activities? The pandemic sidelined the healthy-living movement for many, but now, after several months of sheltering-in-place, shoppers are reclaiming the concept of personal and family wellness in all they do. Here’s how retail stores can help. Shoppers Are So ... Read more

Developing African American Talent in our Industry: WE Move Forward

Developing African American Talent in our Industry blog banner featuring professional young black woman in an office hallway looking out a large window with a smile
The WE Mission is to enhance the future, develop talent across generations and advance health and wellness. WE recognize that change starts with asking questions, educating ourselves and continuing the conversation.  This has prompted us to lead a four-part live video panel series called, “WE Move Forward.”    WE Move Forward Panel Series is focused on ... Read more

These CPG Categories are Going to See a Big Online Lift

These CPG Categories are Going to See a Big Online Lift blog banner featuring woman in a yellow cardigan holding her credit card to purchase something on her laptop
Our research indicates that online shopping for basics, including groceries, will continue to lift as more customers are won over by the channel’s safety, price, and ease. People who bought the basic groceries and health products online as a result of the pandemic tell us about their experience and their future plans. One new long-term ... Read more

4 Ways to Get Ahead of the Real Financial Crisis

4 Ways to Get Ahead of the Real Financial Crisis blog banner featuring vector illustration of city skyline, a downwards chart arrow and man floating down with a red umbrella
We could take some encouragement from the recent jump in retail sales, but let’s keep it measured. WSL’s research shows as many as half of Americans remain pessimistic about their financial security, depending on socioeconomic conditions. That figure is likely to rise as unemployment and stimulus checks dry up. Our latest How America Shops® research ... Read more

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