Caring Scores. Do Shoppers Believe You Care About Their Health?

Blog banner featuring colorful collage of caring score areas in the store
Retailers are talking big about wellness, showcasing chemical-free beauty products, all-natural lines and affordable organics, but few shoppers are buying that retailers genuinely care about their health. It’s not enough to say your brand philosophy sits cozily on the corner of “Happy and Healthy,” or that you’ve been providing health care for 100 years, or that ... Read more

5 Ways Gen Z are Defining Wellness, and Why Retail Should Care

Blog banner featuring smiling woman in her home drinking green smoothie with other person holding smartphone
By Emily Dougherty, October 21, 2022 ||  BeautyInc. -  A Publication of WWD Women over the age of 50 have been routinely ignored by marketers for decades. Now, though, healthier and wealthier than any generation of women before them, Gen X is coming resolutely into focus. As American women age, they start feeling invisible and undervalued. This ... Read more

The Store Shelf is a Huge Underused Media Center

Blog banner featuring blurred store aisle with speech bubbles overlaid on top asking shopper questions
Retailers are over investing in stores of the future and digital technologies while the shelf, where 91% of consumer packaged goods sales happen, remains an emotional wasteland. Shoppers have emotional connections to the categories they buy, triggered by the benefits they expect from using a product, so why do retailers keep delivering transactional experiences? Engage ... Read more

Why are 50-plus Women Feeling Ignored in Advertisements?

Blog banner featuring three middle aged women walking with shopping bags and ice cream cones
Nearly 66 million American women are in their 50s and 60s, and many of them make annual incomes of at least $100,000. Yet many feel ignored, because so much attention is still paid to the young. Yes, certainly retailers and brands should cater to Millennials, but they also should recognize the spending strength of older ... Read more

Shoppers Want Respect, Not Discounts | 7 Brands that Deliver

Blog banner featuring woman laying on the grass and smiling with several retailer logos around her
Shoppers yearn for retailers that deliver respect, but our research shows only a handful deliver it the way shoppers want it. What are they doing right? We explore several examples of retail companies that succeed in winning the shopper’s respect. When the shopper wants to be put first, she goes to Aldi. Or Amazon or ... Read more

More Brands Checking Into Hospitality & Fitness, Should You?

Blog banner featuring grass field with large amount of people doing yoga on mats
There is no longer a routine path to purchase, so retailers and brands are breaking their own molds. Among the trends: Many are turning to fitness and hospitality in the latest bid to shape-shift into what shoppers want their stores to be. We’ve reported before that shoppers are increasingly ditching their shopping routines. The latest piece of ... Read more

How Supermarkets Can Win Back The Millennial Shopper

Blog banner featuring market cafe and shoppers busily moving around
Fringe eateries, including kiosk-enabled restaurants and well-placed food emporiums, are nibbling at the edges of supermarket share, particularly among Millennial shoppers. Here’s what supermarkets can learn from places that offer convenience, fun and “better” food. It’s 6 p.m., the commute is a bear, and the shopper has one key requirement for tonight’s dinner: It’s got ... Read more

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