Are You Honest Enough for Shoppers? 5 Steps to Get There

Pink and red banner featuring statistics on what shoppers want retailers to be honest about
We asked shoppers to speak their truths about what they buy, how and why, and learned this: They expect the companies they purchase from to take responsibility for social change and to authentically PROVE it. In short, companies must “show” they are more sustainable, fair and community-focused – across all the media their customers use. Here ... Read more

Kroger Health President Talks ‘Food as Medicine’ Strategy

Health foods pouring out from a medication bottle - banner
Wendy Liebmann, WSL CEO, Interviews Kroger Health President, Colleen Lindholz, on Kroger’s Health Strategy. When the supermarket giant Kroger decided to embark on its “Food as Medicine” strategy, it did not overthink it. In fact, its companywide approach is disarmingly simple, explains Kroger Health President Colleen Lindholz: It answers three basic questions with affordable solutions, ... Read more

20 New Shopper Trends Retailers Should Know for 2021

20 New Trends blog banner featuring hands holding glittery 2021 paper numbers
As we look forward to a 2021 full of hope, we decided to look back on what shoppers have taught us this year, which is what retailers and brands will need to deliver next. Here are 20 of the most significant findings from WSL’s 2020 archives. Determination. In the WSL Dictionary of Retail and Shopper ... Read more

Passion for WELL Remains, 3 Tips to Capture a Booming Market

Passion for WELL Remains, 3 Tips to Capture a Booming Market blog banner featuring woman wearing mask and smiling up at the sunny sky while holding yoga mat
Shoppers may have fallen into less-healthy eating and wellness practices during the pandemic, but those wellness values are still embedded, and shoppers are getting back on track, our latest How America Shops® report shows. Here are a few tips for how brands and retailers should be marketing WELL now. The Pandemic Changed WELLness Habits, But ... Read more

How Do Retailers Win Minorities’ Trust? By Doing Something

How Do Retailers Win Minorities’ Trust? By Doing Something blog banner featuring masked young black woman standing in a plaza
It’s easy for retailers to say they care about Black customers, but what are they doing to prove it in the store every day? This issue is more pressing now as the pandemic, racial strife and financial concerns heighten stress among all shoppers and store workers. For our latest How America Shops® research, we asked ... Read more

Shoppers are Taking Back WELL: 5 Ways Retail Can Help

Shoppers are Taking Back WELL: 5 Ways Retail Can Help blog banner featuring overlay of two people raising their fists into the air and a clock labelled well being in the backrgound
Remember December, when so many people resolved to include holistic wellness in their foods, products, and activities? The pandemic sidelined the healthy-living movement for many, but now, after several months of sheltering-in-place, shoppers are reclaiming the concept of personal and family wellness in all they do. Here’s how retail stores can help. Shoppers Are So ... Read more

These CPG Categories are Going to See a Big Online Lift

These CPG Categories are Going to See a Big Online Lift blog banner featuring woman in a yellow cardigan holding her credit card to purchase something on her laptop
Our research indicates that online shopping for basics, including groceries, will continue to lift as more customers are won over by the channel’s safety, price, and ease. People who bought the basic groceries and health products online as a result of the pandemic tell us about their experience and their future plans. One new long-term ... Read more

WSL Predicts Shopper Behavior Based on Past Crises

WSL Predicts Shopper Behavior Based on Past Crises blog banner featuring split vector illustration with coin and online shopping icons on one side and a stick of bills on the other side with C-19 overlaid on top
More shoppers, uncertain of their financial security in the COVID-19 crisis, are cutting back on spending and avoiding even the temptation to buy unnecessary items. Old staples are new no-no’s, so a new burden is on retailers and brands to help shoppers feel good about the spending choices they do make. Here’s what our own ... Read more

Gen Z is Redefining Wellness: 4 Must-Know Findings

Gen Z is Redefining Wellness: 4 Must-Know Findings blog banner featuring gen z teen putting home remedy in a glass bottle
The youngest shoppers, Gen Z approach the wellness movement differently than Millennials because they never had to learn it. Rather, they were born into a world aware of the products and habits that are bad for them, and the choices that are healthier. Now, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, how brands and retailers ... Read more

What does ‘Change Now’ Mean? 5 Shopping Shifts to Watch

What does ‘Change Now’ Mean? 5 Shopping Shifts to Watch blog banner featuring several modern innovative products that can be bought online
Forget merchandise, Forget promotions. Forget ads. Being a part of change today means accepting that shoppers expect retail to play a fundamentally different role in their lives. And they expect it Now. Our How America Shops® report, “Change Now,” is a real-time example of how much faster change is occurring now. The controversies surrounding climate ... Read more

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