The Biggest Consumer Shopping Trends of 2023

2023 Trends blog banner featuring collage of shoppers and new trends such as metaverse, drive thru shopping, and innovative self-checkouts
WSL has been following the path of consumer shopping for decades. And through 2022, shoppers led us on a more focused, lifestyle-specific retail trip. To prepare for 2023, we culled through our How America Shops® and Retail Safari® market research, and zeroed in on seven big trends that predict what’s next for retail. Some will ... Read more

Retail Breaks Rules to Follow Shoppers Into the Holidays

Blog banner featuring red background with female and male shoppers smiling with several shopping deal coupons floating around them
Retailers are barreling into the height of holiday shopping season, and many are following a new playbook, from Black Fridays that jump the gun to secret sales for reward members. Retailers and brands are following the shoppers wherever they want to go, and getting good at the game. This Holiday Season, Retailers Follow Shoppers, Not ... Read more

Gen Z and Millennials Pave New Retailer Trends in WELLness

Teladoc, Fitness Training, Gen Z, and Fitness Apps Banner
We asked shoppers which health conditions they are managing most today, then broke the responses down by generations. The results: members of Gen Z and Millennials are dealing with a range of unpredicted wellness issues. And they’re not all are turning to traditional physicians. Retailers, get in front of this – now.  Millennials or Gen ... Read more

The Reimagined Store Won’t Make You Stay. Unless You Want To

Retail Reimagined, inclusive displays, customizable clothes, curated products thumbnail
New themes are emerging in today’s more innovative stores, including some of the most traditional chains we shop. WSL’s researchers compare trips to our neighborhood Walmart and Target stores with those from our recent Retail Safari® tours to learn how different retailers are meeting what matters most to shoppers now. Do Stores No Longer Want ... Read more

Why Gen X Could Be Beauty’s Biggest Consumer Base

Gen X Celebrities in Beauty Banner
By Emily Dougherty, October 21, 2022 ||  BeautyInc. -  A Publication of WWD Women over the age of 50 have been routinely ignored by marketers for decades. Now, though, healthier and wealthier than any generation of women before them, Gen X is coming resolutely into focus. As American women age, they start feeling invisible and undervalued. This ... Read more

Shoppers are Lonely, Anxious. Retail Therapy is a Solution

Retail Therapy Signage Examples Banners
Despite their pursuit of wellness, more shoppers are experiencing new, and unexpected, health issues like loneliness, WSL research shows. Some retailers have been incorporating social environments in their physical stores as a way to reintroduce facetime, but is it enough for shoppers, and what is the role of brands? Shoppers are Lonely. Retail Can Help. ... Read more

Maesa Launches Itk Skin Care Brand With TikTok Stars Brooklyn, Bailey McKnight

Brooklyn and Bailey McKnight ITK Banner
By James Manso on August 19, 2022  ||  BeautyInc. -  A Publication of WWD TikTok creators Brooklyn and Bailey McKnight's new Gen Z skin care brand Itk is launching Monday in an exclusive partnership with Walmart as the retailer bids on younger, digitally native consumers. With Gen Z street cred on one hand and brand-building prowess ... Read more

Help Millennials With Inflation and Bond Long-Term

Struggling Millennials collage banner
Millennials are the single largest shopping group to find themselves struggling due to high prices – nearly half tell us they find it hard to both pay the essential bills and buy more than the basics. Our research reveals unique characteristics of this age group that present four opportunities for improved loyalty and sales. Millennial ... Read more

Is This Latest Pharmacy Trend an Opportunity, or a Threat?

Retail clinics, pharmacy, and virtual doctor collage
As pharmacists became distracted by other tasks that took them out-of-sight from behind the counter, shoppers increasingly turned to more accessible sources for advice. Our How America Shops® research explores the growing acceptance of online pharmacies, which challenge retailers to find their way back to their Rx shoppers. Shoppers Want Wellness Advice, But They Won’t ... Read more

Retail Health Care Can Be The Center of WELLness

Virtual doctors and retail clinics banner
During the pandemic, shoppers started turning to retail health clinics to meet rising demand for quick-and-easy WELLness services. Now, their retail expectations have evolved to include convenient health care treatment. This is especially opportunistic for retail clinics and pharmacies, but is the store missing the script? Are You Treating Your Shoppers to the WELLness They ... Read more

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